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Video & Multimedia

Since I began my career as a reportage photographer, my goal has been not only to take eye-catching photos, but more importantly to tell compelling stories. Nowadays I tell my stories mostly in the digital space, combining photography, video and text to build interactive narratives. I produce photo and video stories, including concept, shooting, editing, layout and web publishing. Here are a few examples of some of my recent multimedia stories.
Interactive stories
Interactive Stories


The Sufi Brotherhoods of Senegal

In Senegal, the Sufi brotherhoods and their religious leaders portray themselves as guardians of peace, tolerance and social cohesion. The country is seen as an anchor of stability in a  region of the world which is troubled by Islamists. However the peace and stability that the Sufi brotherhoods offer to the Senegalese come at a price.

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Guardians of the Mangrove Forests

In West Africa, entire coastal strips are disappearing as sea levels rise. Here, climate change is hitting the poorest with particular force. HEKS and the local partner organization APIL are supporting villagers in the Siné Saloum Delta in reforesting mangrove forests, because mangroves are conserving the coasts and they are mitigating climate change.


Camels Against Climate Change

In the very dry areas of northern Kenya, people are increasingly suffering from the consequences of climate change. In Isiolo County, Biovision has therefore been supporting a project of Vétérinaieres sans Frontières (VSF) for the introduction of camels and the marketing of camel milk since 2010. The camel population in the region now has increased significantly.



Foundation Report 2019

The Swiss Re Foundation partners with the community health NGO Living Goods to bring basic healthcare to remote places, like the village in Kenya pictured here. Equipped with smart technology and training, community health workers help fill gaps in “last mile” healthcare delivery by providing education, diagnosis, treatment and referrals right where people live.

Microsites & Webites



The Swiss agency TMI (Trade Marketing Intelligence) commissioned me to design a website for PHÄNOMENA, a theme world and exhibition that will open its doors in 2025. It will be the largest theme park in Switzerland, where the laws of nature, phenomena and science will be brought to life in an interactive and impressive way. The focus will be on experience, amazement and learning.

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A Peaceful Home of Loving Care

I was commissioned to create documentary photos and videos for the nursing home Rüti in Sirnach, Switzerland and to build their website. The place offers a home for people with dementia and gerontopsychological impairments in a historic house with a beautiful garden.



HEKS TV Commercials

These Multimdeia TV spots were produced from photos, which were in the one hand taken especially for these commercials, and on the other hand also for the magazine, the website, flyers and other advertising material of HEKS, so that the material could be used for all communication media of the aid organization.



The Prostitutes and the Priest

Faced with no other option, young women in Namibia turn to sex work in order to survive. In this short film, they talk about their tireless advocate: a German priest who broke ranks with his institution to do what he felt was right. This multimedia video was produced with photos and videos that were taken over a period of 10 years.


The Sufi Brotherhoods of Senegal

This teaser trailer was edited from photo and video footage of a photo reportage in order to promote the digital edit of the story, which was created in collaboration with journalist Angela Köckritz and was originally commissioned by the German magazine GEO. 



Trailer Gris-Gris Wrestlers

This teaser trailer was edited from photo and video footage of the photo reportage "The Gris-Gris Wrestlers of Senegal". The photo story, that was created in collaboration with the Swiss national TV and first published by the German magazine STERN. The photos of the publication have won a second prize at the World Press Photo Award in 2016.

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